We are honored to host the world video premiere of “Human”, a single by California reggae band Sunny State. Focusing on big picture philosophies set to ukulele, Sunny State asks if we are being the best people we can be, considering we’re all in COVID-19 together — “have I treated you the way you deserved to be loved… have I done enough”? Questions like these are all the more critical in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. Are we being good fathers? Mothers? Friends and lovers?

Are we making the people around us happy?

The video for “Human” explores these concepts evermore, stylistically filmed in black and white for emphasized pathos. What are we doing to fill this forced downtime? How have we coped with our world as we know it on pause? Whether it be via virtual happy hour on Zoom or playing card games with bae, we’re all still managing to stay “human”. This heart-warming video was filmed entirely during the COVID-19 lockdown, directed by Ryan Keenan and proffering clips of fans singing and chanting the lyrics from the safety of their own homes. Sunny State has managed to unify the world through their music, even under these unforeseen and extreme conditions.

Catch the world premiere of “Human” above, as the music video will be on the band’s YouTube page tomorrow! For more on Sunny State, visit the links below.

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