A night of prog rock with Anthony Green in Pomona, CA
Tim Kasher Tim Kasher Laura Jane Grace Laura Jane Grace Laura Jane Grace Laura Jane Grace Laura Jane Grace Laura Jane Grace Laura Jane Grace Laura Jane Grace Anthony Green Anthony Green Anthony Green Anthony Green Anthony Green Anthony Green Anthony Green
This should be a thing: it should be some type of Las Vegas residency or traveling circus that never stops. Every artist witnessed at The Glasshouse in Pomona, California on May 21st — which included Tim Kasher, Anthony Green (of Circa Survive) and Laura Jane Grace — mentioned how they wished this tour wouldn’t stop. Each set blew the audience away, with the other artists coming back up and performing more during each other’s sets.
It was different, it was powerful and it was just plain cool.
It was like these artists all melted together to form some type of mega Transformer action figure or like the Avengers of punk rock music. If you missed it, you really did miss it. It was a once-in-a-lifetime event… although they played a tour, so I’m sure it was different for each city. Laura Jane Grace even brought the bass player from the Savages (I might have heard the band’s name wrong) up to do an amazing rendition of “Two Coffins”; the two had met on the road. Only seeing last night’s concert really makes me want to have seen every show they put on. All artists left their entire selves on the stage and the audience felt it. Non-alcoholic glassy eyes filled the crowd, emotions ran high, voices trembled while singing back every word. The audience did seem split between each musician, but never divided. I love coming out of a show not knowing what I was going to get and coming away with so much more!
Photography by Billy Beans
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