Crosses ††† shreds & screams up Sacramento’s Ace of Spades

It was a beautiful night to hear Chino Moreno scream and Shaun Lopez shred at Ace of Spades in their hometown of Sacramento. The sold-out show was the 20th city and third-to-the-last show on Crosses’ Familiar World Tour. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ace of Spades so packed!

The setlist:

  1. “Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U” (Instrumental intro)
  2. “Invisible Hand”
  3. “This Is a Trick”
  4. “Ghost Ride”
  5. “Pleasure”
  6. “Found”
  7. “Vivien”
  8. “Initiation”
  9. “Holier”
  10. “Thholyghst”
  11. “The Beginning of the End”
  12. “Sensation”
  13. “Girls Float + Boys Cry”
  14. “Protection”
  15. “The Epilogue”
  16. “Bitches Brew”
  17. “Big Youth” 
  18. “Telepathy”
  19. “Option”

During “Found”, Chino stopped mid-song and said “you guys need to chill the fuck out” due to a fight in the crowd. Unfortunately, it ruined the vibe and he said to just go on to the next song. Other than that, every song was amazing. Chino said it was great to see so many familiar faces of friends and family in the audience, and he was extremely grateful for everyone being there. At one point, there was a man loudly cheering “Chino! Chino! Chino! Chino!” to which Moreno pointed at him and said, “That’s my Uncle T!”

I thought that was so adorable.  

I’m so honored to be able to photograph the show and thankful to see Crosses perform in
Sacramento. The US tour is over, but I hope everyone who got to see them enjoyed it as much as I did!

Photography by Sara Taylor

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