Rebel Rock Festival 2021
Matriarchs Matriarchs Matriarchs Fate DeStroyed Fate DeStroyed Fate DeStroyed Fate DeStroyed Fate DeStroyed Fate DeStroyed Fate DeStroyed Fate DeStroyed Fate DeStroyed Fate DeStroyed Killakoi Otherwise Otherwise Otherwise Otherwise Otherwise Otherwise Otherwise Otherwise Rain City Rain City Rain City Rain City Rain City Rain City Rain City Rain City Rain City Rain City Around the fest Around the fest P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D. P.O.D.
Day One of Rebel Rock was a great taste of what the weekend of metal and hard rock was going to bring… until it turned out to be the full enchilada. Unbeknownst to all, the festival was suddenly canceled on Day Two right before gates, citing “bad weather”.
At least there was an epic Taco Party to make the trip out to central Florida worthwhile!
Up first was Matriarchs, full of energy and flying braids. Female-led Fate DeStroyed was up next, before Killakoi took over midday. With Taco Party host, Jose Mangin, never letting the party (or the pit) die down, Otherwise took the stage next. And, just like that, the day was almost over! It was time for Slaves (now rebranded to Rain City to be more politically-correct as of last week) to fill the direct support slot before San Diego-based punk rockers P.O.D. finished off the night (and the weekend, come to find out). Although cut short, we’re still up for experiencing what Rebel Rock has in store for 2022!
Photography by Heather Vandemark
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