Underoath unleashes 20 years of music on Detroit

A night of nostalgic feelings and good vibes came through Detroit on October 1st. Underoath celebrated their 20th Anniversary and brought with them bands to set the correct tone for the night.

The first artist of the night was an unexpected opener, Metavari. These boys intertwine electronics, guitar, and drums to create transport you to different worlds. Thoughts of jungles and black holes and chaos all popped up in my mind with each note. It was evident Nate Utesch, the man behind the music, could feel it all as you watched him press each button and key with emphasis.

Static Dress, natives of Leeds, UK was up next.

It was like a horror movie that was about to unfold. Two TVs were turned on in the dark, showing dark images scene by scene. The band then ran onstage with all the chaos they could throw around. Lead singer Olli Appleyard was hard to chase around, but at the same time it made sense. Bassist George Holding and drummer Sam Ogden matched Olli’s energy perfectly, going as crazy as possible. It was like Static Dress trying to throw all their dark chaotic thoughts off their back. I say almost as guitarist Contrast mysteriously hid behind a mask and vibed with the crowd. He balanced the other three guys out with control. What are you hiding behind that mask, sir?

For my emo veterans, you read Underoath and you know exactly who I am talking about. The set up had a couch and lamps, a mini fridge and the works — like a dorm room. Remember the days from college, anyone? Singer Spencer Chamberlain started the night singing: lights low, sitting on the couch, like he was contemplating life. Remember being in your room alone, struggling with the thoughts in your head?

The stage then exploded with energy as it lit up with band members going wild.

Do you recall seeing these guys at a small venue way back when, when concerts were all about getting together with your friends, being mad at the world, and listening to music that was all noise and yelling and going absolutely crazy? This is that long overdue show. Guitarist Tim McTague rocked the jorts throughout the entire set, in true emo day style. This band, 20 years being the focus of the tour, played songs from their They’re Only Chasing Safety album. I’m sure you can hear the lyrics in your head if you were a fan, playing it on repeat. They even pulled out their song “When The Sun Sleeps”, which was only played back in the day! Has the nostalgia hit you completely yet?

Photography by Kayla N. Rising

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