Mac Sabbath toasts 10 tasty years of Drive-thru metal in San Diego

What’s better than Black Sabbath? Black Sabbath in the form of McDonald’s characters, greasing classic Sabbath songs with new lyrics aimed at the demise of the fast food industry. That’s what. In fact, it’s been 10 years since Mac Sabbath introduced the world to the Drive-thru metal genre… Oh how fast a decade of finger-lickin’ […]

Mac Sabbath makes mouths water at the Observatory OC

On Friday, March 22nd, Mac Sabbath invaded Orange County, California, headlining a show at The Observatory in Santa Ana. The eccentrically garbed, McDonald’s-inspired band was supported by the Venomous Pinks and O.C. veterans of punk, D.I. Venomous Pinks, the all-female punk band from Arizona, kicked things off with their high energy, getting the crowd in […]