Reggae Rise Up Florida steps into a new era

Reggae Rise Up Florida brings joy to fans returning to the gorgeous seaside Vinoy Park in St. Petersburg, Florida for its 6th year with some HOT new acts to ring in the new decade. For those of you who do not know, Reggae Rise Up Florida is the #1 stop for reggae rock festivals on […]

One Love Cali Reggae Fest 2019: Day One

Around Day One Arise Roots Arise Roots Arise Roots Arise Roots Arise Roots Arise Roots Arise Roots Around Day One Long Beach Dub Allstars Long Beach Dub Allstars Long Beach Dub Allstars Long Beach Dub Allstars Long Beach Dub Allstars Long Beach Dub Allstars Around Day One Around Day One Around Day One Don Carlos […]

KROQ presents High and Mighty Fest

KROQ, an LA-based radio station among America's most famous, has grown to be a name synonymous with the biggest and baddest Southern Californian events of the season. Every year, the station sponsors several music festivals, often times with unbeatable lineups attached – such as their summer kickoff Weenie Roast Fest, now in its 14th year! […]

5th Annual Levitate Music Festival revealed

The east coast festival scene is rapidly growing into a massive movement, with most events embracing reggae artists with open arms. One notable event on the rise is Massachusetts’ Levitate Music and Arts Festival – now in its 5th year! From its humble beginnings as a friendly community barbecue in 2013, LMF has skyrocketed its […]