Passafire – 2nd Annual Lake Tahoe Reggae Festival
Just before releasing their album Vines, Passafire put on an excellent show in sunny California at the 2nd Annual Lake Tahoe Reggae Festival at the MontBleu resort and casino.
Just before releasing their album Vines, Passafire put on an excellent show in sunny California at the 2nd Annual Lake Tahoe Reggae Festival at the MontBleu resort and casino.
It was a perfectly beautiful sunny afternoon in the mountains of Lake Tahoe in California where we caught up with Stick Figure performing in the 2nd annual Lake Tahoe Reggae Festival.
It was a remarkable day in the outdoor 2nd Annual Reggae Festival set in between the beautiful mountains of Lake Tahoe, California. SOJA ended the day on the stage with an amazing set in the moonlight with standing room only. Check out the set here.
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