The 1975 takes Washington D.C. through a time warp

On the road again with their USA tour, the widely popular band The 1975 were joined by the spunkadelic and pop funk rock band BLACKSTARKIDS in Washington D.C. on November 10th, 2022. Hailing from Kansas City, Missouri, the opening alternative indie rock-infused pop punk band consisted of meme era TheBabeGabe, TyFaizon, and Deiondre.

The band reminds me of Awreeoh, from the popular 2015 movie Dope, between their 1990s nerdy outfits, electrifying youthful vocals, and overall silliness demeanor that filled the venue. Performing their most recent album CYBERKISS*, they opened up with “HOW TO SELF DESTRUCT*” and the crowd went crazy! The listeners were almost hypnotized by the performance. As I watched the audience, I could see a mixture of Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z individuals dancing along to the poppy songs of the BLACKSTARKIDS.

The shine from their bright future is strong!

The Anthem was packed, and with beers and salted pretzels in hand, the crowd patiently waited for headlining artist, The 1975, to take the stage. As the lights turned off, the curtain rolled up and your breath was stolen from the beautiful stage, designed and frozen in the 1960s-era nostalgia. Honestly, it was the most beautiful set I’ve seen… the retro TVs, leather couch, and spiral staircase. All eight members took the stage, with lead singer Matthew Healy emerging from the couch. The awes from the crowd were heard in unison over the soft touch of the piano keys. Opening the soundtrack with the self-titled song “The 1975”, the exuberant crowd roared along with the band members.

The soundtrack had such a perfect balance of pop, rock, and funk that just kept the moving. If you were there, you noticed that the overall vibe changed as Healy got the crowd to thank each band member before they exited individually through the living room door, leaving Matthew Healy lonesome. Moments later, the members reemerged in new sleek black suits that matched the aesthetic change. The crowd absolutely loved it; the amazement permeated throughout the night.

Hands down, The 1975‘s show was one for the best live performances I’ve ever seen. The attention to detail, skits, outfits, the set design… all of it contributed to the captivating performance.

BLACKSTARKIDS Photo Credit: Daniel Ruiz | The 1975 Photo Credit: Jordan Curtis Hughes

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