Sammy Johnson to embark on Sleepwalker Winter Tour

Aussie native, New Zealand bred, LA resident Sammy Johnson is taking his talents on the road yet again with the latest installment of his ongoing Sleepwalker Tour. In support of his full-length Sleepwalker that hit stores last year, Sammy Johnson announced a few days ago that west coast inhabitants have the chance to catch his island reggae in action with seven shows spanning late November to early December. 

… Sammy Johnson masterfully captures the essence of modern island sound.

Combining his Polynesian upbringing with jazzy smooth vocals and a laidback reggae vibe, Sammy Johnson masterfully captures the essence of modern island sound. And, what an excellent live show for the holidays! Beginning November 30th in Santa Cruz, Sammy J will take his tour to the bay for a stop at Berkeley, cruise north to Sac-town, hop over to LA's majestic Belasco Theater, before completing his Cali run down the 5 at San Diego's Music Box. The final two shows take place in Vegas and Tempe, Arizona, where Sammy Johnson's finalé show will pop off on December 9th. There's no word at this time if another artist or band will be along for the ride, but knowing Sammy, chances are musical friends will join him at some point (fingers crossed for Anuhea!!). To get tickets now or for more information, visit

Get a sneak peek of the tour with this Big Island Hawaii video, featuring Anuhea!

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