Iration at Indianapolis’ Egyptian Room
Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Fortunate Youth Pepper Pepper Pepper Pepper Pepper Pepper Pepper Pepper Pepper Pepper w/ Katastro Pepper Pepper Pepper Pepper Pepper w/ Katastro Pepper w/ Katastro Iration Iration Iration Iration Iration Iration Iration Iration Iration Iration Iration Iration Iration
Iration brought paradise to the Indianapolis’ Egyptian Room of the Old National Centre on May 16th with a jamming set list that got everyone feeling the good vibes — complete with palm trees! Live From Paradise is the tour you need to catch his summer if you want to have a night in complete musical bliss. With support from the boys of Pepper, Fortunate Youth and Katastro, you are sure to feel like you are in heaven!
Photography by Ashley James
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