HIVE Festival 2021: Day One
Around Day One Around Day One Flatbush Zombies Flatbush Zombies Flatbush Zombies Flatbush Zombies Around Day One Around Day One Trippie Redd Trippie Redd Trippie Redd Trippie Redd Trippie Redd Trippie Redd Trippie Redd
The weekend of August 6th and 7th in was marked with an important event — hip hop’s HIVE Music Festival in Salt Lake City! Last year was tough for the music industry and we all were waiting (im)patiently for the events to come back. HIVE Music Festival, postponed from 2020, was one of the first opportunities for artists and audiences finally to meet offline again! The main celebration took part in Utah State Fair Park, giving joy and hope that we are going back to our normal life.
Hip hop fans were more than ready to greet their fave artists and to celebrate these two special days.
For many artists, HIVE was also their first live performance since before the COVID-19 shutdown. Unfortunately, we are still in the situation when a lot of unexpected things may happen: the first day of festival was marked with some last minute cancellations. But, all the artists who performed did their absolute best to entertain the audience. Following Flatbush Zombies, Trippie Redd closed the first night, leading to the second day of nonstop performances.
Photography by Julia Kovaleva
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